Steve bunce

Steve Bunce has been writing about sport in the national papers since 1985. He has been at five Olympics, a World Cup and ringside in Las Vegas for over 50 fights. He has been a regular guest on Five Live's Fighting Talk since 2003, part of ESPN's PTI team since 2010 and a presenter on BBC London 94.9 since 2006. He has written a novel, The Fixer, which was shortlisted for several awards and lost on each occasion!

He currently writes for the Independent, Sunday Mirror and Sunday Herald. He was part of Grandstand Plus in 2004, the BBC's Inside Sport from 2007-2009 and his Boxing Hour on Setanta was shortlisted for a Broadcast Award in 2009. He has toured with his one-man Boxing Show in 2009-2010 and sold-out in Digbeth, Liverpool, Bethnal Green and Dublin.